
Governor Gary R. Herbert State of Utah

As Utah’s 17th governor, Governor Gary R. Herbert took the oath of office on August 11, 2009. Prior to becoming the state’s chief executive, Governor Herbert served as lieutenant governor for five years. Governor Herbert has led Utah’s recovery efforts from the Great Recession to a position of national economic prominence. His unwavering focus on economic development includes attracting new business and investment to the state while helping home-grown businesses flourish. Despite the fact that the State of Utah is constantly recognized as one of the best-managed states in the nation, Governor Herbert continues to challenge Utah’s state agencies and employees to stretch taxpayer dollars by working smarter, more effectively and more efficiently—especially given Utah’s significant population growth as anticipated over the next several years.

Backcast Innovation

Seita Kanai, Former Chairman of the Board | Mazda Motor Corporation

Is there a way to make innovation when a company is in crisis? Mazda made a choice when the company was in crisis. Rather than simply focus on survival, they focused on making a quantum leap. The result was the SKYACTIV engine—a major technology breakthrough that turned a conventional engine into the most ecological and economical technology. Mr. Kanai, Mazda’s former Chairman of the Board, will share the company’s “backcast innovation” and explain how they achieved the technology breakthrough roadmap.

Breaking Inertia: Outperforming Your Constraints

Rami Goldratt, CEO Goldratt Group

Breaking Inertia: Outperforming Your Constraints

We are caught in Inertia when we continue to follow the same practices, even when we know there is a need for change.  Inertia drives us to optimize within a conflict rather than breaking free of the conflict.

In his keynote presentation, Rami Goldratt shows what it takes to break inertia and achieve performance levels that otherwise seem impossible given our current constraint. Rami provides 3 examples from very different environments that illustrate how it is done.

Why Doesn’t Lean Work in Japan?

Yuji Kishira, Goldratt Japan

Many people believe that most Japanese companies are using Lean (or TPS, the Toyota Production System) and that they are delivering results. But this is not the case. Why is Toyota delivering such a great results and others are not?  The difference lies in one fundamental assumption. Yuji Kishira will disclose that assumption, he will show how to utilize TOC effectively in environments that Lean isn’t working, and share a variety of case studies along the way.

From Worst to First

Tony McMillon, Gate Gourmet

Gate Gourmet LAX produces 30,000 meals a day, operating 24/7 for one of the nation’s busiest airports with Delta being a major customer. In 2016, both Gate Gourmet and Delta were experiencing challenges and real change needed to occur to bring both companies back to stellar performance. By working together, both companies have seen tremendous results and are on track to outperform themselves again this year. Tony McMillion, Business Unit Leader from Gate Gourmet, will be presenting on the Breakthrough Collaboration between Gate and Delta utilizing the Theory of Constraints.

Person Dependent to Process Driven: A Transformation

Prithvideep Singh General Manager Continental Device India Pvt. Ltd (CDIL Semiconductors)

Transitions are always challenging, but even more so, when it feels like a single individual is just about holding the entire company together. Such was the situation at Continental Device India Pvt Ltd (CDIL), an international player in the semiconductor industry since 1964 and a pioneer of the electronics sector in India. After a rough patch in the late 2000s, the company was left with a depleted senior management constantly fighting one fire after another. Prithvideep Singh, General Manager, will share how CDIL used TOC to break out of this vicious cycle and the steps they took to get buy-in from all levels to enable this transformation.

Power of Simulation in Change Management

Jaideep Srivastav, Goldratt North America

Jaideep Srivastav, Goldratt North America presenting at the Building on Success 2019 Conference. His session is on the Power of Simulation in Change Management

Exploiting TOC Within the USAF Software Enterprise

James L. Diamond Brent VanDerMeide, Hill AFB Software Group

Did you know that there are hundreds Air Force personnel at Hill AFB writing software for fighters and command & control systems?   Come hear them tell their story on how they used TOC principles and applied DevOps thinking to weapon system software.  The core of this presentation will cover their first DevSecOps implementation.  The traditional waterfall method for incorporating upgrades took over a year.  DevSecOps has dramatically reduced time to deliver needed capability.

Higher service levels without higher costs

Christian Arntsen Starrett Starrett Global Supply Chain

Contrary to popular belief that improved service levels cost more, Christian Arntsen will share how The L.S. Starrett Co. was able to increase sales as a result of using TOC to deliver better service levels by improving the performance of its supply chain – without increasing costs

Throughput Economics, Henry Camp, IDEA & Rocco Surace, Bonadio Group

Henry Camp, IDEA & Rocco Surace, Bonadio Group

What’s wrong with cost-per-whatever (product, product line, service, customer, salesperson, or any other subset of an organization)? 

Henry Camp and Rocco Surace will share how to build a bridge of understanding between those who made decisions based on conventional cost accounting and those who make decisions from a constraints perspective.  

The talk explains breakthrough points from their new book, “Throughput Economics”, illustrating how conventional cost accounting drives bad decisions. They will then share an easy, straightforward decision-making approach that works in any environment, regardless of your mindset, across a wide range of typical business initiatives.

Fresh From the Cow to the Consumer: Applying TOC from Production to Retail

Bruno Girao Betania Lacteos

Have you ever gone to the grocery store only to be disappointed when they are out of the milk or yogurt you went to buy? Or the only milk available was due to expire in the next couple of days? Betânia Lácteos supplies nearly half of the milk consumed in the northeastern region of Brazil. They convert 850,000 liters of milk produced by 3,500+ farms into fresh products at 50,000+ points of sale. Bruno Girao, CEO of Betânia Lácteos will explain how the company went from 12% shortages at distribution and 32% shortages at retail to 4% at distribution and 13.5% at retail. More sales, inventory turns and profits for Betânia Lácteos and the retailers, more available good products for the consumers to enjoy. The lessons go well beyond the dairy industry. Learn what it takes to move from push to pull and create great availability of the right goods, without mountains of inventory!

Breakthrough in Leadership for Breakthrough Performance

Lt. Andrew Busch & Lisa Scheinkopf

What is it that is really unique about the leaders who consistently guide their organizations to the next performance breakthroughs? The answer seems quite elusive. A Google search on “Leadership Workshop” yields 260 million results and a search on “Leadership Article” provides an opportunity to scroll through more than 400 million results! Andrew Busch spent most of his career in the Air Force, retiring as a Lieutenant General in 2017. His Air Force Career included 3 highly successful implementations of TOC in quite different environments. Lisa Scheinkopf has spent the past 3 decades guiding the leaders of TOC implementations. In this presentation, they will share 3 critical roles that leaders must fulfill in order to guide their organizations to and through step changes in performance. Want to know how well you are equipped to lead your team to and through breakthroughs? Take the assessment that will be shared during the presentation.

De-Mystifying the Radiator Chart

Brigadier General Christopher D. Hill, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex, Tinker AFB

Achieving and sustaining Art of the Possible (AoP) results requires a methodical approach and focused leadership. The radiator chart utilized by Tinker Air Force Base is a comprehensive game plan intended for leaders to execute and sustain AoP, as well as provide the tools needed for leadership to engage and collaborate with the enterprise team. Leaders must focus on all areas of the model as a whole in order to implement and drive the right behavior across the enterprise. Brig. Gen. Christopher D. Hill, Commander at Tinker AFB, will present on the elements of the chart and the success they’ve seen on implementing it as well as lessons learned along the way.

Q2M: Quick To Quality / Quick to Market

Celina Blanco Boscan & Sam Gollin, Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines, Inc., one of the world’s largest global airlines, flies an extensive fleet of aircraft such as MD88, MD90, 717, 737, 757, 767, 777, A220, A320, A330, A350 etc. Delta continues to lead North America in maintaining latest in technology and interiors for passenger safety and flying experience. To do so, Delta Fleet Projects strategically plans and executes upgrades to the existing fleet and customizes newly acquired aircraft to the passenger needs. These projects are multiyear, complex with many internal customers and external suppliers such as seats, IFE(inflight entertainment equipment), lavatories, galleys and other interiors. Delta will share how they applied Theory of Constraints Project Management principles and Thinking Processes to collaborate with internal customers and external suppliers to cut the cycle time by 15-25% and improve first time quality.

Turning the Challenges of Family-Owned Businesses into Opportunities for Growth

Aureo Villagra, Goldratt Brazil

Family business has special challenges due to the specific dynamics of high levels of emotion. However, these challenges can actually be turned into a competitive edge to help the company’s growth. In this workshop, Aureo Villagra, Goldratt Consulting Global Partner and an experienced consultant in Family Business, will describe how to use the TOC fundamentals and tools to create a robust process to ensure Growth, Stability and Harmony for both business and the people involved.

12 Indicators That Will Help You Understand if You Are Decorating the Fish

Yishai Ashlag, Goldratt Group, and Kristen Cox, GOMB

With so many good ideas out there, how do you select what to focus on and what not to focus on? High performing organizations are able to sift through the noise and find those few changes that will create breakthrough results. In this workshop, participants will learn about 12 indicators for evaluating whether your solution provides real progress or simply the illusion of progress.

Kaizen Team Meets TOC!

Colonel Akira Igarashi, Japan Air Self Defense Force

Over the years, many Kaizen improvement activities have been carried out in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF). Since the F-15 (JASDF’s main fighter) was introduced more than 30 years ago, many Kaizen activities have involved maintenance and repair. Recent changes in environment and limited budget have made it more difficult to keep enough of these fighters operational and led to even more Kaizens. When the JASDF Kaizen team came across TOC, they initially didn’t quite get it. However, as the team began to understand and apply TOC, they saw a dramatic reduction to the regular inspection period within a surprisingly short time. As a result, Colonel Igarashi started to propel TOC under the name Project 10B. In this session, Colonel Igarashi will introduce the dramatic Project 10B application and discuss how it worked, how they achieved remarkable results, and how they are going forward without increasing the budget or human resources.